Mari belajar bahasa Inggris sembari mempelajari serba-serbi Prangko. The Indonesian term for stamp is "prangko", which was taken from the root of the term "franking", to indicate that payment has been made. Prangko berasal dari bahasa latin "Franco" yang berarti tanda pembayaran untuk melunasi biaya pengiriman surat. Stamps are essentially paper assets, only the Government has authority to print them. Stamps are printed by the Indonesian Government Security Printing & Minting Co. - "Perum Peruri" - in Jakarta. Hakikatnya, prangko adalah kertas berharga, sehingga yang berwenang menerbitkan prangko hanyalah Pemerintah. Pencetakan prangko dikerjakan oleh Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (Perum Peruri) Jakarta. When a stamp is stuck on a letter it shows that the sender has paid the cost of despatch, and then the Postal Service has the duty of conveying the letter to the given address. Dengan menempelkan prangko pada sepucuk ...